Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What is the best lie you have ever told your child?

I have two, one for each child! :)

1 - When I was 13 years old, he was 19 years old, he liked cars a lot. Big mouth, little brains. He kept saying that he could take care of my Toyota Camry better than me.

One day, I had to stop at the auto parts store to get some oil so I could do a drain. So, being his big mouth, he said he would rush and get it because he knew exactly what we needed.

I told him to take flashing fluid while he was inside, because one of my taillights was off and I had to fix the problem. He simply nodded, asked for extra money to pay for it and ran inside.

He came out 15 minutes later without a bag, red like a beet, pushed back the money in my hand, got into the back of the car and refused to talk to me.

So I went to get oil inside and the guys at the counter had a good laugh. Apparently, they drove him for a good ten minutes before telling my son that there was no flashing liquid.

I've known these guys at the store for years with all the work I've done on cars. When they realized he was my son, they laughed even harder and congratulated me on an epic joke.

2 - My 17-year-old decided to try the pot one day, when he was 15 years old, knowing that it's strictly forbidden here.

I had learned from one of his friends that they had tried it the day before and, although it was not enough, a single articulation shared by four boys, I decided to make this lesson a lesson.

Do you know those bowl cleaners that make blue water? If you do, the color turns green.

I had just started using them in place of the clear white ones and I told my son that I knew he had made some pots.

He became very pale and asked how I knew. I told him it was because you were peeing in the bathroom at night without rinsing and that I put a chemical in the toilet that was used as a drug test.

The water turned green, so I knew you were using it very recently. Needless to say, there was a ton of excuses, attempts to try and crawl. He has not done it since.

I never told him about the toilet cleaner ...

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